buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title The Ultimate Guide to Bananas style.css header class hero div class hero-content h1 🍌 The Amazing World of Bananas p Nature's perfect snack: convenient, nutritious, and delicious main section class nutrition-section h2 Banana Benefits div class card-grid div class info-card h3 Nutrition Facts ul li Rich in potassium li Good source of fiber li Contains vitamin B6 li Only 105 calories div class info-card h3 Fun Facts ul li Bananas are berries li They grow pointing upward li Wild bananas have seeds li They're naturally radioactive section class varieties-section h2 Popular Varieties div class variety-grid div class variety-card h3 Cavendish p The most common banana worldwide div class variety-card h3 Lady Finger p Small, sweet, and creamy div class variety-card h3 Red Dacca p Reddish peel with pink flesh div class variety-card h3 Plantain p Starchy cooking banana section class ripeness-guide h2 Ripeness Guide div class ripeness-scale div class stage span Green p Too early div class stage span Yellow with green p Almost ready div class stage span Perfect yellow p Ready to eat div class stage span Spotted p Very sweet footer div class footer-content p Created with love for banana enthusiasts everywhere nav class footer-nav a Home href # a Benefits href #nutrition-section a Varieties href #varieties-section script.js